On Wednesday, July 6, 32-year-old Philando Castile was shot by a law enforcement officer during a traffic stop which occurred in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Castile died as a result of the gun shot wound. During the encounter, Diamond Reynolds, Castile’s girlfriend, began streaming the video live on Facebook. While recording, Reynolds stated that they were stopped for a broken taillight, explained to the officer that Castile was licensed to carry a handgun, and was shot while reaching for his wallet in order to fulfill the officer’s request.
According to WCCO 4 News, the Philando Castile case remains under Ramsey County Attorney John Choi’s supervision. Now, the community has come together to demand that the investigation be handled outside of the Ramsey County Attorney’s Office and by a special prosecutor who has no ties to the police or county attorney. The united community states that they deserve more than a “watered down” investigation, and that in doing so, trust can be restored to the justice system. However, various legal professionals beg to differ.
During the news broadcast, Attorney Joe Tamburino expressed his view of holding this high-profile case outside county lines. In the interview, Mr. Tamburino stated that to do so would be a mistake and that county attorneys are hired to make these types of tough decisions. He continued, “To go out of the office and simply grab someone and say, ‘I’d like you to help me decide this case,’ is terrible precedent.” Mr. Tamburino believes that Ramsey County Attorney John Choi cannot have it all and that he must make a stand on how this case will move forward.
To learn more, watch the news report here.